Crypto 2018

August 19-23, 2018

Affiliated events

August 17-19, 2018

Santa Barbara, USA

Affiliated Event: Quantum-safe Cryptography for Industry (QsCI, August 18)


Quantum-Safe cryptography aims at constructing cryptosystems that are secure against quantum and conventional computers. In the past few years, the status of quantum-safe cryptography has completely changed. It moved from a purely academic theme to a topic of major industrial interest. This new industrial interest is mainly driven by the fact that quantum-safe cryptography has received recently much attention from the standardization and policy spectra such as NIST, ETSI, CSA, etc. The security industry is now facing new challenges inherent to large-scale deployment of the next generations of public-key cryptography.

The goal of QSCI is to create a forum to discuss the construction and industrial deployment of quantum-safe systems. This is the second edition of QSCI (the first QSCI workshop was organized as an affiliated event of EC'17 in Paris).

The event will include a selection of speakers in the area of quantum-safe cryptography and a ligthing tallk session; all with a strong focus on the future industrial challenges for deploying quantum-safe cryptography.

Lightning Talks

We are soliciting 5-minute lightning talks in advance of the event. Ideally, a lightning talk would be accompanied with a set of slides that can be presented within 5 minutes. We have included a blank template that auto-advances every 15 seconds for your convenience. Please send slides to the organizers prior to the event.


  • Matt Campagna (Amazon)
  • Jean-Charles Faugère (PQAT & INRIA, Sorbonne Université, CNRS)
  • Shay Gueron (University of Haifa and Amazon)
  • Ludovic Perret (PQAT & Sorbonne Université, INRIA, CNRS)
  • Rafael Misoczki (Intel)

Confirmed Speakers

  • Lily Chen (NIST)
  • Aline Gouget (Gemalto)
  • Shay Gueron (University of Haifa and Amazon)
  • Brian LaMacchia (Microsoft)
  • Adam Langley (Google)
  • Rafael Misoczki (Intel)
  • Michele Mosca (U. Of Waterloo, IQC and EvolutionQ)
  • Adrian Stanger (DoD)


Talks will take place in Corwin Pavilion East.


"Cryptography in Pre-Post-Quantum Time", by Lily Chen.

When post-quantum cryptography standards are under the development, it is the time for industry to explore a safe path for the future transition. This presentation will discuss some of the initiative approaches and address a few issues in preparing for migration and transition to post-quantum cryptography.

"Post-quantum cryptography in TLS and the WebPKI", by Adam Langley.

Widely deployed and often used in latency-sensitive contexts, TLS is one of the more demanding users of cryptographic primitives. In 2016, Google Chrome deployed an experimental post-quantum configuration of TLS to bring attention to the subject and to test to its viability. In light of the submissions to the NIST process, Google and Cloudflare conducted more tests in 2018 to inform a choice about the design of a future, post-quantum TLS. This talk will discuss the results and Google's current thinking on the subject.


For any information, please contact us.