Crypto 2025

August 17-21, 2025

Santa Barbara, USA

Affiliated Events

IACR is soliciting for affiliated events to be held in conjunction with Crypto 2025 on August 16th and 17th, 2025. Each such event is expected to provide a forum discussing a specific topic of the broad cryptographic world (theory, practice, implementation, standardizations, etc.). The format of the event (e.g., workshop, tutorial, etc.) is up to the organizers.

Important dates

Mar 24, 2025

Submission deadline for proposals

Apr 4, 2025

Acceptance notification

Call for affiliated events

Affiliated events can be 1-2 days long. Proposals for events should be submitted by email to the affiliated events chair at crypto2025workshops at by March 24, 2025. The proposal submitters need to identify a topic and decide on the format. Upon acceptance of event, the submitter is in charge of coordinating the program and engaging with the speakers. They are expected to maintain an updated website (which will be linked on this page), containing all relevant information for the participants.

From the perspective of venue logistics, the organization of an affiliated event is relatively easy. The registration process as well as the local organization is done by the IACR (via the general and workshop chairs). The registration fee for attendees of affiliated events will be charged via the registration process and will cover the incurred costs for the location, equipment, and coffee breaks. Being registered for a given day of workshop enables a participant to attend any of the workshops on that particular day. Any additional costs (e.g. reimbursements to invited speakers, printing proceedings, etc.) are solely the responsibility of the individual event organizer.

Submission format for affiliated event proposals

Proposals for affiliated events should include the following information in this order:

  1. Name of the event and possible acronyms if any
  2. Names and contact information for the organizers
  3. Length of event (1 or 2 days); if 1 day, indicate flexibility for dates
  4. A proposed format (workshop with submitted/invited talks, tutorial, panel, etc.) and potential speakers (if applicable - the list does not have to be complete and is not a binding commitment)
  5. Abstract summarizing the proposed event and its justification
  6. In the case of a submission process:
  7. Estimated number of attendees total and an expected number of student attendees
  8. List of specific potential attendees (the list does not have to be complete and is not a binding commitment). This will help coordinate timing of events that might overlap in audience.
  9. One paragraph biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications, including research and conference/workshop organizing experience
  10. Funding sources that may be used and for what purposes
  11. Information about previous similar event including organizational information such as attendance numbers, if applicable
  12. Link to draft website (if exists)

Proposal evaluation criteria

Given the limited amount of conference rooms available, events will be selected based on their novelty, importance, and interest they may have for the cryptographic community. The agreement of leading members of the cryptographic community to engage with the event, as either speakers or committee members, will be taken into account when approving events.