Affiliated Events

⚠ Attendees and speakers at the workshops must register.

Saturday August 17, 2024

CFAIL Conference for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology

The Conference for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology (CFAIL) is an annual event dedicated to disseminating insightful failures of the cryptology research community.

GHTC Glowing Hot Topics in Cryptography
Has academic Cryptography over-promised and under delivered?

The Glowing Hot Topics in Cryptography (GHTC) workshop series is a one-day round table event that brings together experts from both industry and academia to discuss the latest and most important developments in the field of cryptography. The round tables will feature world renowned panelists from both industry and academy. GHTC aims to provide a forum for exchanging ideas, research, and insights on hottest topics in cryptography.

Sunday August 18, 2024

WAC7 Workshop on Attacks in Cryptography 7

Cryptography is often thought of as the bright spot of practical security, a mathematical paradise where security can be rigorously proven and issues like buffer overflows are in someone else’s department. However, there is a growing community of researchers who regularly find serious flaws in widely deployed cryptographic implementations and protocols. In recent years, this type of research has mostly been published in systems security conferences. This workshop will bring together researchers who work on cryptographic attacks and provide a showcase of their work for the Crypto community. This is the seventh edition of the WAC workshop, which was established by Nadia Heninger.

PPML Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop
Has academic Cryptography over-promised and under delivered?

The Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop (PPML) aims to strengthen collaborations among the machine learning and cryptography communities. The scope includes privacy preserving techniques for training, inference, and disclosure.

SKAW Symmetric Key Agreement Workshop

In the past few decades, asymmetric cryptography has been the rising star of key agreement protocols. In this workshop, we aim to shine light on the secure alternative of Symmetric Key Agreement (SKA). There is growing evidence for real-world use cases of SKA by various IETF standards, NIST guidelines, and NSA requirements, including the use of Symmetric Pre-Shared Keys for enhanced quantum-resistant protection. The goal of the SKA Workshop is to examine how symmetric keys can reduce reliance on asymmetric cryptography by providing alternative and/or additional layers of security. We aim to gather academic and industrial experts to discuss the solutions that SKA can offer.

Other Events

The following events are not affiliated with Crypto 2024, but happen before or after the conference.

ITC 2024

The Information-Theoretic Cryptography (ITC) conference will be held at Stanford University, California, from August 14-16, 2024. ITC is scheduled just before CRYPTO 2024, making it convenient to attend both conferences. In addition to the publication track, the program includes an exciting line of Highlights Track Talks from students and postdocs about ITC-related papers published in the last year at notable conferences, and spotlight talks by Pasin Manurangsi, Zvika Brakerski, Stefano Tessaro, Mary Wootters, Rotem Oshman, and Hemanta Maji. The list of accepted papers and highlights track talks are available here.