
⚠ The registration deadline has passed, but it will be possible to register on-site at the registration desk.

Registration cost Regular Student
Registration fee + IACR dues USD 810 USD 405
Attended prior 2024 IACR conference(s) USD 760 USD 380
Workshop day fee for conference participants USD 150 USD 80
Workshop day fee for workshop-only participants USD 250 USD 250

Note that it is also possible to register for remote attendance only.

⚠ People who register for the conference agree to abide by the code of conduct.

⚠ Early registration until July 17th. A USD 150 surcharge for the conference, and of USD 60 for every day of the affiliated events, applies for registrations after that date.

⚠ If you are a student presenting at Crypto 2024, your registration fee will be covered by the Cryptography Research Fund for Student Presenters. In order to be eligible and if you don't need additional funding, please fill out this form for student presenters before registering for the conference, to obtain a registration waiver token.

What the Conference Fee Includes

For regular participants under the full registration rate, refreshments, lunches, and all evening receptions described in the program are included in the registration fee for Crypto. Similarly, refreshments and lunch are included in the registration fee for an affiliated-event day.

For those staying in the UCSB residence halls, breakfast and dinner for the De La Guerra Dining commons is included in the lodging fee.

Special Diet

Campus Catering, with advance notice, may be able to accommodate restricted diets at catered events. Menus may be adjusted for guests who follow medically prescribed diets for food allergies, Celiac Disease and/or Non-Celiac Gluten/Wheat Sensitivity.

UCSB Conference Dining & Catering must receive advance notice by a minimum of two weeks prior to the conference arrival date if a restricted diet accommodation at a catered event is required. Please email Eriko MacDonald, Conference Dining Manager, and CC the general chair, with the details of your request.

⚠ For special meals catered through approved external vendors such as Kosher preferences, advance notification by July 17th is required.

Additional Guests

Additional tickets for accompanying persons may be purchased at a cost of $250 per guest. This covers the Crypto 2024 evening receptions only (Welcome Reception, Monday Banquet, Tuesday Rump Session, and Wednesday Beach BBQ).

Parents with children under 12 do not need to register the child as an accompanying person. Please email the general chair to advise them of this as well as discuss any additional needs you may have around travelling to the event with children. Parents with children under 12 do not need to register the child as an accompanying person. Please email the general chair to advise them of this as well as discuss any additional needs you may have around travelling to the event with children.

⚠ Note that no conference childcare will be proposed.

⚠ Meals for the De La Guerra Dining Commons lunch times can be purchased during registration for additional guests. It will also be possible (but not recommended) to buy those tickets onsite with credit card at registration or at the dining hall, if desired. These tickets are non-refundable.

Additional Breakfast/Dinner for Participants Staying Off-Campus

For those staying off campus, at The Club & Guest House, or at The Summer Inn at Cuyama (in Manzanita Village) there is the option to purchase additional meals (e.g., for breakfast or dinner in the UCSB De La Guerra Dining commons beyond what is described in the program). These purchases can be made on-site with a credit card at the registration desks or at the door of the dining commons.

An Important Note for Those in Need of Funding Support

⚠ As of July 12th, we have no more funding available. However, it is possible to continue applying and we will contact you if we are able to raise additional sponsorship.

If you are a student presenting at Crypto 2024, your registration fee will be covered by the Cryptography Research Fund for Student Presenters. In order to be eligible and if you don't require additional funding, please fill out this form for student presenters before registering for the conference, to obtain a registration waiver token.

A small number of stipends will be available to those who are unable to obtain funding to attend the conference. Students in under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Please apply for this stipend before registering for on-site housing.

We require that all individuals requesting funding to attend to fill out this form. In addition, for students, the student's advisor or institution will need to provide a short letter by email to the general chair that addresses: (1) why there is a need for funding from the conference; and (2) whether the advisor or institution will provide any funding to complement awarded partial travel grants, as well as a commitment to a maximal dollar value they are willing to support.

Refund Policy

A $25 processing fee applies to all refunds. No refunds can be issued if it is past the early registration date (July 17th).