Camera-ready version due: 31 May 2024

Call for Papers

General information

Crypto 2024, the 44th Annual International Cryptology Conference will take place in Santa Barbara, CA, USA on 18-22 August 2024. Crypto 2024 is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.

Original research papers are welcomed on any cryptographic topic, including but not limited to:

  • foundational theory and mathematics
  • the design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographic primitives and protocols
  • secure implementation and optimization in hardware or software
  • applied aspects of cryptography

Important Dates

13 Feb 2024 Submission deadline
View submission instructions
7 Apr 2024 First round notification
12 Apr 2024 Rebuttal deadline
3 May 2024 Final notification

Review Process

The double-blind review process will follow the IACR Conflict of Interest Policy. The authors will be asked, at submission time, to help identify program committee members with potential conflicts of interest.

Submissions must not substantially duplicate published work or work that has been submitted in parallel to any other journal or conference/workshop with published proceedings, and may not be submitted to any other venue unless notified of rejection (or withdrawn by the authors). Accepted submissions may not appear in any other conference or workshop that has proceedings.

The review process will consist of two rounds with a rebuttal phase. In the first round, the program committee will reject some submissions; the rest will proceed to the second round. At the end of the first round, the authors will be either notified of rejection or invited to submit a response to questions from the program committee (if any), which will be used to make the final decision in the second round.


The Program Committee may choose one or more papers to receive an overall Best Paper Award. In a continuing effort to promote independent work by researchers at early stages of their careers, the Program Committee may also award a prize for the best paper(s) authored exclusively by early-career researchers (defined as within four years of their PhD completion date). As usual, awards will only be given if deserving papers are identified.


Students whose papers have been accepted and who present their talks at the conference will have their registration fees waived. A limited number of stipends will be available to those unable to obtain funding to attend the conference. Students in under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Application instructions will be posted together with other registration information.


To encourage open and reproducible research, authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit artifacts associated with their papers, such as software or datasets, for review. The artifact review will be a collaborative process between authors and the artifact review committee. The goal of the process is not just to evaluate artifacts, but also to improve them for reproduction and reusability by the scientific community. Artifacts that pass successfully through the artifact review process will be archived on the IACR's artifact archive at Please see the detailed call for artifacts.

Program Committee

Area Chairs

Artifact Chair

Program Co-Chairs